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Overview of Accomplishments for 2016-17

Funds distributed to the school were predominately spend on personnel. Five literacy assistant positions were funded. These assistants worked with the iReady program and classroom teachers to provide daily interventions for students barely on or below grade level in Reading. This was our first year "pushing in" to the classrooms and we saw a significant change in SAGE scores in the spring  with a growth of 7% more students on grade level than the previous year.

Funds were also allocated to provide a part-time drama teacher augmented through the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts program. Students spent forty minutes per week in the drama class for half of a school year. While it is difficult to measure the impact of this work, students and teachers all reported successful experiences with the program.

A small portion of the funds was spent to support the Leader in Me program at the school. This funding went directly to the intellectual licensing required to be a Leader in Me school. The climate survey in the spring demonstrated high levels of satisfaction in the school with 18 scores at the highest level, one at a medium level, and another at a low level. Both of these scores also followed a district trend. However, we are working to address the two areas where scores dipped. The Leader in Me program helps us teach students how to be their best self and how to work effectively and positively with others.

Land Trust funds were also allocated for maintaining an assistant in the computer lab. She worked with students daily and also ensured that the technology in the building was working well. Additionally, she was our assessment coordinator and was in charge of the administration of SAGE and other required tests.

We were also able to send a teacher delegation to the Professional Learning Community (PLC) training in September, 2017 held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Teachers meet in PLC's two times per week where they discuss student learning and growth. During these PLC's, they determine how they will ensure that all students are learning at high levels. They use data to examine and discuss learning "by student - by standard" with the intent to provide effective classroom instruction for the whole class, small group or individual students. Teacher teams determine who needs remediation and enrichment and then use the power of the teachers on the team to provide these services to students.

Finally, funds were allocated to allow teachers to participate in the Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction (CMI) professional development. This training gave teachers the opportunity to reflect on their mathematics instruction and provided a tool (CMI framework) for differentiating instruction for students. Teachers also participated in three lesson studies throughout the year.