Fun Run
The Fun Run has been postponed to Friday, September 29 in the hopes of better weather!
9:00 - 9:30 - ASC
9:30 - 10:00 - 3rd Grade
9:45 - 10:15 - 5th Grade
10:00 - 10:30 - Kindergarten AM
10:15 - 10:45 - 4th Grade
10:30 - 11:00 - 1st Grade
10:45 - 11:15 - 6th Grade
11:00 - 11:30 - 2nd Grade
12:00 - 12:30 - PM Kindergarten
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How It Works
This year our fun run will be hosted by the PTA, so 100% of your donations will benefit our school!
We are asking for flat donations of $30 per family, and we are challenging students to find two other sponsors to give $10 each for a total donation of $50 per family. We are, however, grateful for any donation.
We would like every family to return the donation form with a parent signature even if there is no donation. We would like to make sure that every family has the chance to support our school.
More information, as well as a donation form, will be coming home mid-September.
What The Fun Run Is For
The PTA holds one fundraiser each year. The purpose is to raise money to fund school activities for the next school year. Many schools in our area have had GREAT success hosting a Fun Run because they are such a fun community event and promote a healthy lifestyle.
All the funds raised this year will be used by the PTA to provide many activities for Rose Creek like field trips, book fairs, Field Day, Reflections, Books and Buddies, Teacher Appreciation Week, dinners for teachers during Parent Teacher Conferences, and much, much more. Each year the PTA also tries to work with Mrs. Bird and the teachers to determine the best way to support the school. In 2015-16 the PTA was able to help purchase Chromebooks for students to use and in 2014-15 books were purchased for the school’s Guided Reading Library.
Come, Join Us!
We invite all parents and families to join us at our Fun Run Celebration. You can volunteer to help or just come watch. It should be a fun event for everyone!
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