Purpose of SCC:
- To build consistent and effective communication
- To allow parents an opportunity to be actively involved in their children’s education
- To enhance academic excellence at the school and address the needs of students
Serving on the School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council helps decide how these funds will be used.
Every public school in Utah has a School Community Council. The councils are made up of school employees who are elected by employees and parents who are elected by parents of students attending the school.
Term of Office: Council members will serve two years. Parent members must have a student attending the school at least one of the two years of their term of service.
Meeting Schedule: Meetings will be held as needed with a minimum of four meetings per year
Responsibilities: Study and make recommendations to the Board of Education for school boundary and scheduling options. Advise and assist in the development of our Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Advise and assist in the development of our school’s Trust Lands plan.
If you are interested in serving on our School Community Council, please print and fill out the the form below and return it to the school office or call the office at 801-254-8082 to let them know of your interest.