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Overview of Accomplishments for 2017-18

Reading Assistants: Reading assistants worked directly with students Monday-Thursday throughout the school year. Their targeted work, along with the Rose Creek faculty, led to strong results in Dibels testing.

Beverly Taylor Sorenson Music Specialist: A formal music program was established under the direction of Roxanne Fairchild. All 840 students attended music in her classroom weekly. In addition, she helped grade levels with performances for school and families. Students demonstrated significant growth in keeping the beat and using a proper singing voice.

Chrome Books: Land Trust funds were used to purchase additional Chrome books helping us move closer to a one-to-one initiative. Students use Chrome books for research, Typing Club, Lexia, writing, power points, and in a host of other ways.

Leader in Me: The School Community Council and PTA worked together to fund the Leader in Me annual renewal fee. All students participated in 7 Habits lessons monthly. They also tracked their progress in data notebooks, worked toward a Leader in Me award, and participated in school based family events.

Computer Lab Assistant: A computer lab assistant worked with students daily, maintained devices, and ensured that students had well functioning computer labs. She also helped with the administration of testing such as SAGE and SRI. In addition, she provided access for students to Typing Club, which led to great student growth in keyboarding skills.